Your easy and cost-effective renewable energy

We work to provide your best choice of renewable energy.

Certainly, the reserves of fossil fuels have their days numbered. Today, and at the current consumption rate, some sources accounted for these reserves about 40 years in the case of oil, und about 60 years for natural gas.

This will lead to an inevitable rise of the prices of these raw materials, year after year, at a more pronounced rate.

In this situation, there is a wide place for the alternative energy, based in renewable energy.


Why Vectio Solaris?


In Vectio Solaris we understand that a primary condition for the existence of a renewable energy installation is that it must be highly cost-effective. Adapted to each situation in the most possible efficient way.

For this reason, our technicians study each case to advise and show the best choice for our customer. In this way, we guarantee your satisfaction, in terms of quality and cost savings.


The calculations of the electrical components, the static requirements of the panels and their structures on the roof, and all other components of each installation, must be correctly dimensioned.


The execution of the installation must be of high quality, guaranteeing that it does not affect the surface of the roof, or other parts of the building.


Before starting the works, the corresponding license must be obtained. And finally, all the procedures for the legalization of the installation and the connection to the electrical network must be registered.


But we will take care of all this.




One field in which we are experiencing a very important change is in the automotive area. The energy transition in this field is especially important, because it represents a sector where a large part of the energy in our modern society is consumed.


With the end of the use of fossil fuels, many are the technological options that are being considered. Applications of hydrogen cells as an energy vector, other fuels obtained from domestic and industrial waste, but one of the most widespread options in this initial stage is the use of electric cars. With an increasingly developed battery energy storage technology, motors with increasing powers and autonomies can be driven.


In this new concept of mobility by electric vehicles, the installation of power plugs (AC or DC) in our garages and car parks, is very useful for the daily recharges of these batteries. It could be in an ideal situation, in combination with an installation of electricity production using renewable energy.


Do not hesitate to contact us, if you want advice on the most convenient solution for your case. And if you wish, request without any commitment, an offer for its installation.


Our core values in Vectio Solaris:


Sustainability, honesty, quality, technology and ecology.


NIF: B93570919



Adolf-Baeyer-Damm, 4

81735 Munich

Tel.: 0049 (0) 89 124 72300



Avenida Sor Teresa Prat, 76

29004 Malaga

Tel.: 0034 952 33 17 82






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